Collective Action: Dialogue for Sustainability
9:00 am
4th December, 2024
03:00 PM
- 05:30 PM
AIMA Hall, Nashik
WaterWise 2024, held on 4th December, was a key event organized in partnership with AIMA to bring together leading industries and MSMEs from Nashik to address critical water sustainability issues. The event focused on the Industrial Water Use Assessment (IWUA), a tool designed to help industries optimize water usage, reduce consumption, and align with global water conservation goals. Over 40 participants from various industries gathered to share insights, discuss best practices, and explore solutions for responsible water use. Through the assessment, the industries were provided actionable recommendations to optimize water usage, enhance cost savings, and promote water stewardship across the Godavari River Basin. The event highlighted the importance of collaborative efforts between industries and stakeholders for long-term water sustainability.